Monday, September 26, 2011

1. This article is about how the fast food industry manipulates our
senses in order to make us buy their products over their competition's
products. It is explained that food is processed the same way things such as shaving cream is processed for the purpose of altering the smell to attract the consumer. It also explains that "natural" and "artificial" flavors are made the same way and that their differences are negligible.

2. There are two major ways to look at this issue the first one is that artificial and natural flavors are the exact same thing so their is no need to conceal the products with such labels. however this prompts two sides one believing that because artificial flavors are the same as natural flavors the natural flavors are just as harmful as the artificial flavors. the other side of the coin believes that the artificial flavors are just as harmless as the natural flavors.

3. Sense, Perception

4. The way a food tastes which is directly related to the way it is composed (what molecules and, how they are arranged) Is determined by our brains which find out by utilizing the taste buds that receive the food molecules. This means that companies are using chemicals to alter the way our brain perceives their food, meaning even if it is bad for us our mind will perceive it as good and encourage us to continue eating.

5. This issue prompts the thought that our senses can be manipulated by companies to make us et whatever they provide, even if it is bad for us.

6. To what extent does the manipulation of our senses through chemical additives in products effect how our taste buds evolve and recognize healthy foods and unhealthy foods?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

1. After i got my license my mom made me run all kinds of awful errands 
such as picking up groceries, I frequently had to run out to the local ACME and had to grab some milk. On one specific occasion my mom told me to go fetch some milk after a fencing match. I told her i would grab it on the way home and I vividly remember getting it after that match but later that night my mom freaked out on me for not getting the milk.

2.perception, memory

3. People rely on their memories and experiences to determine what or how they did something and if you get set off course by something because you've gone through a situation so many times you confuse your own mental timeline.

4. How can someone do a repetitive task frequently without their memory interfering and causing "deja-vu"?

5. How can we rely on our human memories if it is hindered by factors such as deja-vu?